Once you understand the
main reasons to use Go, installed Go on your
Mac, and built your first
program in Go, it's time to dive into the details of the language. While most developers
are familiar to these concepts, Go approaches that in different ways that are
worth exploring.
Built-in types
Variables are essential to any programming language. In Go, the built-in types
are boolean, integer, float and string. The language also offers support for
arrays, maps and declaring our custom types which we'll see in a future
Another aspect that's worth mentioning is that Go is a statically typed
programming language, meaning that the variable type is inferred before
On this post we well study:
- the basics of variables in Go
- declaring variables with the "var" keyworkd
- declaring variables using the shorthand syntax
- zero values
The basics of variables in Go
So let's start with the basics of variables in Go. Essentially:
- there are two ways to initialize variables
it's possible to declare and initialize multiple variables (and values) at
the same time
- there are no null variables in Go
- Every value has a default value (also called Zero Value)
- you can access/pass values via pointers
- the compiler does not allow unused variables
Let's discuss them.
Declaring variables using the “var” keyword
The first way to initialize variables in Go is by using the
var keyword. For example:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var name = "John Smith"
// Snippet 1
var email string = "john@smith.com" // Snippet
var address string
// Snippet 3
var age int
// Snippet 4
fmt.Println(name, email, address, age) // Snippet 5
Where, on:
Snippet 1: we declared a variable assigned a value to it. Go infers
the type from the initialization automatically for us
Snippet 2: similar to snippet 1 but specifying our type. Note: this
use is not recommended as its unnecessarily verbose. In Go, we prefer
Snippet 3: we declared a variable of type string but didn't assign
any value to it. Go will set its zero value which is ""
Snippet 4: we declared a variable of type int but didn't assign any
value to it. Go will set its zero value which is 0.
Snippet 5: we print our variables. This program will not build if we
don't use the variables we declare.
Declaring variables using the shorthand syntax
While the above makes sense if you know the value of the variable you could
initialize it more concisely with the following syntax:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
name := "John Smith"
age :=
fmt.Println(name, age)
On both examples we declared a variable and assigned a value to it. Go infers
the type from the initialization automatically for us (string and int on this
However there are two things to notice about this syntax. First, the
operator cannot be used to reasign a value to an already declared variable.
Think of its purpose as declare and set. So, if you tried to update the name
var to something else, you'd get this error:
no new variables on left side of :=
Another thing to note is that the shorthand syntax for declaring a variable
does not work outside of a function. For example, the example below:
package main
import "fmt"
name := "John Smith"
func main() {
age := 32
fmt.Println(name, age)
Would fail with:
syntax error: non-declaration statement outside function body
To properly initialize it, we should have used the var keyword as in:
package main
import "fmt"
var name = "John Smith"
func main() {
age := 32
fmt.Println(name, age)
Declaring multiple variables at the same time
Go also allows you to declare (and set values for) multiple variables at the
same time using the abbreviated syntax:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
name, id:= "John Smith", 123456
// Snippet 1
fmt.Println(name, id)
Or, by wrapping them around the var keyword:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var (
a int
b =
c int = 2
e = 3, "test"
f, g string
fmt.Printf("%v %v %v %v %v %v %v\n", a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
Note that the above syntax only works if you if you provide values for all
name, email := "John" // error: no value specified for email
Unused Variables
It's important to note that every variable declared in Go must be used. You
will get a compile-time error if your code has an unused variable. And that's
a good thing since it makes the code cleaner and less error-prone.
The special identifier _
Go also offers the special identifier _ which can be assigned values. It works
as a black hole meaning that values assigned to it will be ignored and will
save you from declaring (and reading) a variable you don't need too. We'll
cover more about this special variable in future posts.
Naming Variables
Variables in Go are usually declared using the
"camel case" syntax. Go also does not impose any restrictions on the size but usually smaller is
preferred. And as in most languages, variables can be named using standard
ascii characters with the difference that Go also accepts any
Unicode character
considered a letter or digit. For example, the below code would work:
π := 3.14159
fmt.Println("The value of pi is", π)
The value of pi is 3.14159
However, we recommend keeping it simple and only using ASCII chars for your
name := "John"
age := 22
fmt.Printf("%v is %v years old", name, age)
Tuple Assignments
Keep in mind the difference between := and =. The first is a declaration while
the second is an assignment. In Go, we saw that we can do multiple assignments
at the same time:
i, j = j, i // swap values of i and j
Zero Values
Another important concept in Go is Zero Values. While we will study them
later, for now, we want you to understand that in Go, no variable will ever be
null. Variables declared and not initialized will have a default value
associated to them (aka, zero value).
Zero values are an important concept of Go and worth understanding well if you
come from other programming languages. For more information,
check this article.
On this post we studied different ways to declare and initialize our
variables. We also discussed some errors that may occur and provided
recommendations on how to use them. We hope it helps!
See Also